Liam ready to be transported to the Mercy's NICU ward.
I finally get to hold my little precious. It was the first time I had seen him in 2 days. I was sooo excited. This was taken later in the day as Kris had been in Sydney when I was told I could go to the Mercy. Deb & Mum to the rescue :)
Today was Liam's 5th birthday...its also the first time since he had his first birthday that he has been healthy on his birthday. So it was very exciting for us :). The day started off with Kinder (for which I had made 2 batches of cupcakes inbetween aquatic OT, getting more ingredients and afternoon kinder). He yawned through the birthday song, but there were lots of eager helpers to help him blow out the candles as he doesn't do that (Or so I thought....) he blew at the candles too. Imagine my excitement...he had never done this before EVER. My main problem was usually stopping him grabbing the flame. Fortunately he was a little better about that this year as he understands "hot".
Then it was off to Maccas with a couple of boys and their Mums from the kinder. It was really nice. Ok Liam didn't "play" with the other kids, but he was certainly aware they were there and he was also quite happy to sit at a different table with them. I was really touched that they had been willing to come at short notice particularly Sue (who not only had to be elsewhere at an hour after kinder, but whom I had only asked the day before....how lovely is that). Not only that but the gifts were both thoughtful and useful and took into account Liam's autism. I was soooo touched. There are a lot of good people out there, sometimes we just have to be brave enough to let them in.
In the evening Simon and Beth came around. He actually started running up the hallway when he heard them come in, but he was sooo excited he fell over and came back to me for a cuddle. There was more cupcakes, being tossed around by his brother, sparklers and a firework. he had a very full and busy day.
And the headlines for the day....remember how I went to my craft class. It turns out we were lucky where we were, although the suburbs around us were not quite so fortunate. My sister, Jenny & Mum lost power, as did Vikki. Many suburbs lost power. At Mt. Evelyn, the SDS was running on a generator even on Thursday and you could see the chopped up remains of trees. Other suburbs had been similarly affected as trees and power lines were down. A friend's in my craft class couldn't get home for a few hours as her suburb was virtually cut off. Every second tree in Tim's street came down. It was a very cold night.
Back to the Herald Sun...the front page featured a story on how a footballer might not be available for the "big match". I think someone's priorities are all wrong: I think the storm Tuesday night was a tad more important. Even an avid football supporter we spoke too thought it was ridiculous.

I just adore my 3 sons.
Love to all,